Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I'm still working on Life, the Universe and Everything.

Actually that's a big sick joke, if you know me. I don't know shit.

Now, then, if you want to go another layer, I DO know shit and I don't want anything to do with it when I see it.

Military life right now is cheap margarine over too much white bread toast. The times coming, before we depose the dreadful fascist regime that is Bush, will result in more than the deaths of many persons far more worthy than the ones who started the war.

It will result in the gutting of every motivated individual in the civilian military system.
I know more than a handful of retired Soldiers (don't just Capitalize, INK IS CHEAP!!!!! it, give them a fucking RAISE, perhaps equal to what our representatives make? especially in retirement! what a concept!) in civil service who are being used as three persons to their every one, overtasked and overextended. They suck it up, because they are old soldiers and they can't stand the troopies downrange suffering any more indignities (armor your Humvees? why? oh, wait, the media got hold of it. OK.)

Seriously, the civilian side of military affairs is so infested that a complete purge is necessary.
Especially of all senior personnel who make the decisions. There are always loopholes. Look at the loopholes, see who's exploiting it, and look at how their decisions have impacted the community.

Anyone married to a DODDS teacher can stay as long as they want, whether it benefits the community or not. They may pull the race card, the gender card, or the skeleton (s in the closet) key, but, the successful administrator will strive for truly New Blood...

Not just the same old Idiot Game. Hey, if you want a Circle Jerk for an administration, please, by all means, continue as indicated.

It isn't working.

So stop holding your goddamn chair down and work for a living. Not just maintain, not just build your (transient and non-beneficial to the community at large) empire, try doing your job, try fulfilling the mission, not just writing nonsensical babble for people who answer the phone for your division. What a waste.

Unless you answer the phone the exact same way.

Then, it's just an insane game about choices people aren't really free to make.

If I have to write another one of these, I'm going to print FTA cards and start handing them out.

You fought for this right, it's called Free Speech, and if you can't exercise it on an Army post, then what's the point?

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